احمد مسعود: طالبان به هیچ تعهد خود به غیرقرارداد خود با آمریکا عمل نکرده‌اند.

Discussion with diplomats

گزارشگر:یک شنبه 24 جدی 1396 - ۲۳ جدی ۱۳۹۶

mandegar-3Excellencies and Dear friends,
Afghanistan is passing a very difficult time. We hope our people will make 2018 a year of relative peace and stability. In this regard, what is most important, to bring some sort of internal balances as well as a balance amongst various outside players. We can only survive through balances. That’s why we have launched the idea and program of «National Consensus». Consensus amongst our people, the countries in the region and extra regional countries.
We hope with the help of our friends, we would be able to keep Afghanistan away from becoming the center of regional rivalries.

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